Aircraft Charter | Papua New Guinea

We aim to provide reliable Aircraft Charter service throughout Papua New Guinea

Enhancing safety standards through a combination of rigorous regulations, advanced technology, comprehensive training, and a culture of continuous improvement

Kobio Aviation Ltd Pilots, Engineers and Loadmasters have 20+ years experience flying fixed-wing in PNG. Our clients trust us

Ensuring the highest standards in maintenance and quality is our utmost importance to maintain the integrity of the aircraft and to safeguard the lives of passengers and crew.

20 +
Flying Experience
Kobio provides comprehensive aviation solutions

Kobio Aviation Limited is a fixed wing charter company serving the vast rural population of PNG whose main form of transport is only accessible by air.

  • Aircraft charter
  • Medical evacuations
  • Cargo transport
  • Passenger Transport

Business Capacity

Kobio Aviation Limited offers a wide range of aviation services. KAL has people at reach with a vast experience in the aviation sector pertaining to operations along with maintenance. Our mission is to operate and maintain Aircraft to the highest standards to ensure longterm service to remote rural areas throughout Papua New Guinea.

Target Markets

Kobio Aviation Limited primary target market is the remote rural areas in PNG. Our market is divided into two categories: the individual customers who are mostly travelers and the Business and government clients who need aircraft charters. Both target markets are recognized as equally primary.

Business Values

We firmly believe in team work and going the extra mile to in ensuring our clients expectations are meet every day. Kobio Aviation Limited values best service, safety and quality standard across PNG.

Our Focus

Our current focus is to gain market share by providing quality aviation and related services to our clients. We want to maintain a long term relationship with our customers, organizations and the regulatory aviation body in PNG.

Long Term Focus

Kobio Aviation will continue to grow and expand with the demand of servicing remote rural locations throughout Papua New Guinea

Our Commitment

At Kobio Aviation, we are are committed to contributing to the development of Papua New Guinea’s economy and communities. We support local businesses and work closely with local communities to provide essential air services that connect them to the rest of the country.

With Respect To Each Customer

We Appreciate Clients

And Their Business